Friday, November 11, 2011

Word Processing

Doesn't word processing make the writing process too easy?

The disadvantages and benefits of having students write a paper using word processing vs. a pen and paper should be explored and addressed as our society begins to rely more and more on technology.  As teachers we want to be sure to teach both writing and word processing skills and even though word processing may be more efficient, it is important not to let writing with a pen and paper fall by the waist side. 

While debating this topic and exploring both sides through research I came across varying opinions and studies.

Through Eric, Education Resources Information Center, a comparison study was performed by comparing compositions written by 19 sixth graders using paper and pen with those written by 19 sixth graders using word processors.  The outcome found that though the quality of writing, accuracy of grammar, and reading ease did not differ much between the two approaches, students using computers wrote more words and sentences.

In a blog entry I found on the internet, pen and paper seemed to be an aspiring novelist best strength because no matter where she was she could write down her ideas as they flowed and the ease tended to allow her to brainstorm more freely.

Although there are differing opinions on this subject I believe you really need to master both writing with a word processor and with a pen and paper.  It is important to have neat, legible handwriting and there is some strength in writing letters for business and personal use that have a personal twist to them with pen and paper.  You may not always have a word processor with you and a pen and paper are almost always handy.  When brainstorming and or writing a rough draft a pen and paper are necessary or at least very helpful.   

How can word processing be used to engage students in higher-level thinking?

Word processing can be used to engage students in a higher-level of thinking by not only focusing on basic functions such as entering and editing text, organizing information in a simple and easy manner, and inserting objects and hyperlinks, but also to enhance learning and information that can be paraphrased, organized in meaningful ways, and illustrated and expanded with links to related material.  You can add tables and graphic organizers to more thoroughly organize and explain your content.  Students can be easily engaged in 3 types of generative strategies, intergration, organization and elaboration. Once students have specified a problem, they can research and analyze how the information needed to solve it.  Word processing plays an integral part in all of this.  Word processing is almost fool proof when it comes to spelling and grammar also, which gives the writer the opportunity to tune in on the details, or at times tune out and just write and worry about the details at the end.  Words that are spelled incorrectly or sentences that are fragmented, run-on, etc automatically become highlighted when using word processing to bring attention to what needs to be corrected.  Additionally, word processing can further engage students in a higher level of thinking by allowing easy access and integration to the Internet and it's tools to communicate with others through email and research and gather information through the web.  Students can also use word processing to express their creativity by using fonts, sizes, and styles of text, graphics, diagrams and color to further illustrate thoughts. Despite a students handwriting, all students can produce a professional-looking final product with word processing. 

In what ways are the individual needs of students met when their work is completed with a word processor?

All students strengths and weaknesses are different.  Some students may have trouble with spelling or grammar, while others may have an issue with forming well organized paragraphs and papers.  Some students may have terrible hand writing, while others may be such perfectionist that they get lost in the details and have trouble with content. Word processing can support all of these areas by allowing students tools to get around their weaknesses.  Spell check helps with spelling and grammar.  With the ability to cut and paste and insert sentences anywhere in the paper or move content around as needed, students can organize their thoughts and perfect them as they go, as many times as needed in a quick and efficient way.   With this freedom and by showing necessary corrections, students can improve their writing skills and hopefully decrease their mistakes in the future.

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